Shore Break Stinson The Alagash Vinalhaven Norton Point Hidden Lake Chilmark Pond Yellow Dunes Shore Break August Dunes Bay Ribbons The Alagash Bay Sunrise Chilmark Pond Saltmarsh Sunset Dune Grass Dark Sky First Light Mountain Lake Menemsha Pond The Narrows Mill Valley to the City Morning Tide Norton Point Stinson Study Point Reyes Over the Marsh Storm Front Drakes Bay Red Sky at Night The Big Island Tahoe Dawn Salt Pond Cove Tomales Bay Tennessee Valley Spartina Limantour Beach The Dunes Thunderstorm Over the Bay Morning Tide Vineyard Sound Vieques West Winds Vineyard Autumn
Shore Break 48x48 sold
Stinson 48x48 sold
The Alagash 10x10 sold
Vinalhaven 20x20 sold
Norton Point 48x48 sold
Hidden Lake 36x36 sold
Chilmark Pond 48x48 sold
Yellow Dunes 60x48 sold
Shore Break 48x48 sold
August Dunes 48x48 sold
Bay Ribbons 60x52 sold
The Alagash 10x10 sold
Bay Sunrise 16x16 sold
Chilmark Pond 16x16 sold
Saltmarsh Sunset 21x21 sold
Dune Grass 11x11 sold
Dark Sky 13x13 sold
First Light 21x17 sold
Mountain Lake 48x48 sold
Menemsha Pond 21x17 sold
The Narrows 30x30 sold
Mill Valley to the City 13x13 sold
Morning Tide 17x21 sold
Norton Point 31x31 sold
Stinson Study 13x13 sold
Point Reyes 25x25 sold
Over the Marsh 13x13 sold
Storm Front 13x13 sold
Drakes Bay 14x14 sold
Red Sky at Night 13x13 sold
The Big Island 48x36 sold
Tahoe Dawn 10x10 sold
Salt Pond Cove 15x12 sold
Tomales Bay 25x25 sold
Tennessee Valley 13x13 sold
Spartina 13x13 sold
Limantour Beach 14x14 sold
The Dunes 36x36 sold
Thunderstorm Over the Bay 10x10 sold
Morning Tide 17x21 sold
Vineyard Sound 21x17 sold
Vieques 10x10 sold
West Winds 25x25 sold
Vineyard Autumn 10x10 sold


Ribbon Paintings

Shore Break Stinson The Alagash Vinalhaven
Norton Point Hidden Lake Chilmark Pond Yellow Dunes
Shore Break August Dunes Bay Ribbons The Alagash
Bay Sunrise Chilmark Pond Saltmarsh Sunset Dune Grass
Dark Sky First Light Mountain Lake Menemsha Pond
The Narrows Mill Valley to the City Morning Tide Norton Point
Stinson Study Point Reyes Over the Marsh Storm Front
Drakes Bay Red Sky at Night The Big Island Tahoe Dawn
Salt Pond Cove Tomales Bay Tennessee Valley Spartina
Limantour Beach The Dunes Thunderstorm Over the Bay Morning Tide
Vineyard Sound Vieques West Winds Vineyard Autumn